Marek Teichmann, born in 1936

Throughout the war we were hidden by a Pole

On the day the Second World War broke out, I was not quite three years old. My parents and I and numerous relatives lived in Tarnopol. After the invasion by the Soviet troops, we were deported to the small town of Mikulińce, where we lived in very modest circumstances.

When the eastern territories of Poland were occupied by the Nazis, we were forced to go into hiding. My parents and I and the two sisters of my mother were kept hidden, until the end of the war by a Pole, Jan Misiewicz. We were kept hidden in a shelter, which he constructed himself, located in a cow barn. We lived there, under very difficult conditions, without access to daylight and without sanitary facilities, until the time of liberation. My father’s family and the parents of my mother were taken during an “action” and all traces of them vanished.

In 1945, we arrived in Bytom as repatriates. Only then, at the age of nine, did I start attending the first grade of elementary school. As a result of the difficult conditions of our existence during the Nazi occupation, I contracted various diseases, among them ailments of the heart and of the circulatory system, as well as mental illness. Based on this, I was found to be totally unfit for military service, and recently I qualified for disability payments.

I should mention that the man who hid us was invited to Israel, and there, the title of “Just Among the Nations of the World“ was bestowed upon him. In addition, he was invited to California by a rabbi living there who also owed his life to him. In these few sentences, I have partially described the difficult times of my childhood.

Bytom, November 6, 1991


Website „Zapis pamięci”
„Dzieci Holocaustu”
in Poland.

Made with the support of the Polish Representation of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation

street Twarda 6
00-105 Warsaw
tel./fax +48 22 620 82 45

Concept and graphic
solutions – Jacek Gałązka ©

Joanna Sobolewska-Pyz,
Anna Kołacińska-Gałązka,
Jacek Gałązka

Web developer
Marcin Bober

The exhibition is on its way
„Moi żydowscy rodzice,
moi polscy rodzice”

Permanent exhibition
„Moi żydowscy rodzice,
moi polscy rodzice”
in The Museum of Armed Struggle
and Martyrology in Treblinka
Website „Zapis pamięci”
„Dzieci Holocaustu”
in Poland.

Was carried out
thanks to the support of the Foundation
im. Róży Luksemburg
in Poland
Concept and graphic
solutions – Jacek Gałązka ©

Joanna Sobolewska-Pyz,
Anna Kołacińska-Gałązka,
Jacek Gałązka

Web developer
Marcin Bober

The exhibition is on its way
„Moi żydowscy rodzice,
moi polscy rodzice”

Permanent exhibition
„Moi żydowscy rodzice,
moi polscy rodzice”
in The Museum of Armed Struggle
and Martyrology in Treblinka